New M11/NINE Mags Still a Go—Despite Recent Events

To all the faithful, the M11/9 mag thing is still in the works. But I’ll be the first to tell you that these two most recent high-profile shootings do give a small business owner considering such a project cause for concern. Only takes a couple of numbskulls like Holmes and Page to ruin things for everybody. What a couple of nutjobs. I digress…

Anyway, I was just talking with one of my proposed new sheet metal guys. Have a few meetings set up. Yada yada yada. (My previous sheet metal fabricator and stamper—a separate company—went out of business a few weeks ago, leaving me with an incomplete set of prototypes.) I will keep you posted here as things develop.

Trust me, I do understand the doubters. Just hope they’ll pony up the money when the mags are available for sale in a few months.

Peace (through superior firepower),